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Corporate Social

Techmate Technologies is fully conscious of the obligation that comes with being in a position to contribute to the growth of society and takes this responsibility very seriously. In addition, Techmate Technologies is aware of the reciprocal relationship that exists between the expansion of the company and the expansion of the nation, society, and population. This is something that the company takes into consideration whenever it makes business decisions. The company has been made aware of this particular matter, which was previously unknown to them.

Our corporate social responsibility programs offer assistance to young people in the form of assistance in the development of their technical skills as well as assistance in the acquisition of employment opportunities. Young people can benefit from this assistance.In addition, we work to advance the cause of gender equality by actively participating in donation campaigns, adhering to ethical labor practices, and providing equal opportunities for both men and women in the workplace where we are employed.

Techmate Technologies is dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals and does everything in its power to help the community grow. The mission statement of the company reflects this dedication and effort. One of our primary goals is to make the most of the opportunities that are presented to us because we want to be a positive influence in the lives of others and take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.

Building Bridges


Our socially constructive aim of building bridges envisions upskilling the underprivileged individual and assisting them in standing on their own two feet. Our ultimate goal is to improve the SDG employment chart and to be a productive member of our community.

building bridges
Blood Donation
The collaboration between Techmatetech and Sundas Foundations was critical to the success of the blood donation drive. Sundas Foundations provided their expertise in organizing such events as well as the resources needed to facilitate the collection and preservation of donated blood. Their committed team of medical

professionals ensured that the entire process adhered to strict safety standards and medical protocols.

Techmatetech employees and the local community responded enthusiastically to the blood drive. Many people stepped forward to donate blood, selflessly helping the cause. Employees from Techmatetech actively participated, embodying the spirit of compassion and altruism. The collaboration between Techmatetech and Sundas Foundations cultivated in the participants a sense of unity and purpose, fostering a strong community bond

We stand with our nation and people strong footed in every unfortunate calamity.
Training session

We believe that youth can play an important role in nation-building. It has the potential to help a country develop and progress. In light of this, Techmatatech has organized free training sessions for fresh graduates. The main goal of providing these sessions is to assist them in becoming trained so that they can begin their professional careers without difficulty.

Training Section
Iftar Dastar Khuwan
Magic happens when a community comes together to help one another. It’s past time for us to reach out to our less fortunate brothers and sisters in need.Techmatetech has decided to host an iftar dastarkhwan in Lahore this Ramadan. Come join us in spreading smiles, happiness, and food to those in need.
iftar dastarkahn


Are you looking for a clear marketing strategy?
Do you want to improve your online engagement and media presence?
Do you want to improve your website rating?
Do you want to improve your social media analytics?


Digital marketing is advertising your products for branding and promotion, through digital
channels to reach your potential customers and existing customers. Your customers are online in
the market and so as your competitors. Advertising your product and service strategically in the market is crucial to capturing your chunk of customers from the market competition. Some
services we offer:


The process of optimizing the content of the website and improving the reach of your website for your website pages to rate at the top of search engines. This improved ranking will improve the credibility of your website, the higher your web ranking is, the higher your Message from Founders

Social media marketing

Social media platforms are the place where your customers are looking for services or products. The right social media strategy increases your customer connection and improves your brand awareness which ultimately results in sales or lead generation.

Web Designing is the beautification of your website, which sets the mood of your website audience. We provide an SEO-friendly web outlay to clearly communicate your brand image. You can access your customers and clients directly and effectively to address their concerns. We give audience-friendly web design, which clearly and conveniently serves the purpose.

Solidity is a programming language 

developed by the Ethereum Foundation to help developers build decentralized apps. It is designed to run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), making it suitable for writing smart contracts

Ethereum uses blockchains to record transactions between two parties efficiently and transparently. A transaction records the exchange of ether between two accounts. Each account contains some amount of ether. When an account sends ether to another account, the transfer is recorded in a block and added to the blockchain. To prevent double spending, each block includes a timestamp and hash value of the previous block. As long as the majority of nodes continue accepting blocks after they have been created, the blockchain remains secure.
An organization’s offshore crew is an extension of its in-house team, and they work for the company even if they are not employees. The benefit of having such offshore personnel is the flexibility it provides you during hectic periods when you are tasked with completing a large number of assignments and require expert hands outside of your staff
For more information, you can visit our social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter